Data Privacy & Digital Compliance


The emergence of digital technology is heavily impacting our societies, and so does the legislation that follows the adaptation wave. Compliance with existing legislation is a must, being an early adopter of voluntary risk management practices, to show customer the company's willingness to proactively take responsibility, and to deal with emerging fields in risk management is a great opportunity. With our experienced and up-to-date professionals, we can assist help company to be prepared for any risks in a digital world.

Data Privacy

Data privacy is one of the hottest topics nowadays. With the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of EU, companies all around the world encounter several obstacles to reach full compliance. GDPR raised the requirements and the amount of fines to a level never seen before,  so it is essential to take the proper steps in your company. We offer a wide set of data protection related services, ranging from business process support to forming legal opinions on complex matters, supporting your daily privacy operations, conducting data privacy audits and privacy by design development support, as well as assisting your company as a data protection officer.

Artificial intelligence is one of the most powerful technologies of our time, and its use could also become one of the most complex challenges for a company. We can assist you to navigate a fragmented regulation scene, set up an AI governance framework which addresses IT security, data privacy, ethics and business processes, as well as to conduct an artificial intelligence focused audit in order to discover  risks in AI use.